camellia, back yard presence

“The old woman paid no attention to the camellia until that morning, when a fleck of pink caught her eye. The single saucer-size blossom was more magnificent than she could ever have imagined. More beautiful than any rose she’d ever seen, it swayed in the morning breeze with such an air of royalty, the old woman felt the urge to curtsey in its presence.” — Sarah Jio, The Last Camellia

swaying in the early morning breeze
with an air of royalty

5 thoughts on “The last camellia”

  1. Beautiful capture with splendid clarity and a soft DoF! While just budding, it’s amazing so many petals can be enveloped so tightly and appear ready to explode.

  2. Sherry, That was pretty close to my first reaction to them as well. We still lived in Alberta and I was visiting the island. I went to Butchart Gardens (it was a February) and couldn’t believe this perfectly formed delight. I remember an Asian man coming up to me when I was photographing it and asking what it was. I didn’t know then but I think each of us was quite in awe.

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