Enjoying morning coffee in front of the fireplace. Tilting my head enough to see what was may be visible from the living room side window was nature’s wake-up call marching through the distant trees. Clouds, the colour of cotton candy, were being painted by the distant rising of the sun.

through the window, early morning

As darkness melts away to the dawn of a new day, hummingbirds visit our rock bubbler for their morning shower. It has become their habit to arrive at that particular transitional time with fewer showing up as the day opens its curtains to the bright light of day.

In response to a lovely image of a spring Vinca I wrote this on another blog recently, “I’ve noticed some Vinca growing wild down one of the alleyways where I walk Heidi. Whenever I see it, I always wonder who once lived in that now-empty but overgrown space. I bet they loved their yard.”

Vinca, abandoned
runaway Vinca

During a morning walk on the beach, evidence that Mother Nature has been sculpting.

On another walk along the beach a crow was busying itself opening a mussel for likely the first of many morsels on that day.

Back at home, in the back yard, the rhododendrons are getting plump readying themselves for when they can show off.

plumped up, after a rain

Thank you for reading. I hope that these next few weeks will send you some spring surprises. 

3 thoughts on “observations”

  1. Our Spring has been in evidence for weeks now, with azaleas blooming and new leaves appearing on what were recently bare branches of trees and shrubs. I had adopted some variegated Vinca minor from my mother-in-law’s house before she died (my yard is full of family memories via plants), but after we were flooded several times, I now have Vinca minor as well. I don’t know whose yard they came from, but I love seeing those beautiful purple faces as the weather gets warmer.

  2. A wonderful tour of Nature’s beauty, provided many times in the simplest forms! I always see the sands as nature’s canvas, providing new art every day with the ebb and flow of the waves. I missed a “Stonehenge” opportunity yesterday morning as the sun rose above an ascending road that was flanked by trees. A sight that took my breath away

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