In those days, at least in my small town, parents didn’t seem to worry so much about what their kids were doing as long as they made it home in time for dinner.

K. Martin Beckner
‘downtown’ in our town

Small towns make up for their lack of people by having everyone be more interesting.

Doris “Granny D” Haddock
Qualicum Beach this past week
the beach

2 thoughts on “glimpses”

  1. love, love this greyscale glimpse into your world. the young people at the sea is particularly mesmerizing. also like the quote about our parents. it was true with my parents from as young as i can recall. way too young, in fact.

  2. Splendid series of photos showcasing your village’s downtown! The B&W processing gives them a nice vintage appeal. The first quote reminds me of the bell my parents had hung on the side of the house and rang when it was time for us to come home. If we didn’t hear it, we were too far away from home and not allowed to be that far. The beach is quite expansive and deep.

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