out of the blue

The most amazing thing happened. I discovered I have a 58 year old brother and he’s totally cool. We met for the first time a couple weeks ago and it’s like we’ve known one another for years and years — or all along. Except that we didn’t know anything about one another’s life up to now.

time to celebrate

You know how people send their DNA in to 23-and-me and such places? Well, to make this very long story short, my brother who last year sent in his DNA for some reason got a hit recently. A gentleman contacted him to say he just received his results and they show (my brother) is a match. After some behind-the-scenes chats it was confirmed that they share the same father. So my brother tells me and says he shared my contact info and to expect a contact from our newly found brother.

As I mentioned, this is definitely the shortened version. We began by a few back-and-forth e-mails and then a Zoom meet together with his wife. Well, no question we’re family and the other positive thing is what a great guy he is. And he doesn’t live half way around the world or even on the other end of this country. He lives on the same island I do and is about an hour and a half drive away! So we have met up for a personally distanced walk to better get to know one another. It’s the most exciting thing.

A gift from my newly discovered brother (his wife had these cartons made for him)

Oh and yes, we definitely look alike and have other similarities.

I had eluded to some pretty great things that have happened of late and this is the topper. Might as well start with the big stuff.

So tell me, what is the best thing that has happened to you or that you have experienced this year of the pandemic?

If it all seems a blur, there’s no need for presents under the tree

6 thoughts on “A Christmas story”

  1. I love this story so much! I’m still waiting for my older sister to contact me. Ever since I was a kid I’ve been expecting one to turn up. Ancestry has my DNA, so it’s just a matter of time …

    I’m happy for you that your reunion was a joyful one.

  2. You have been the bearer of some great news lately from the vintage camera and now a new-found brother! Wouldn’t it be ironic that his father was the owner of that vintage camera? I would be floored if he was a photography enthusiast. Congratulations on this new brother!

  3. Wow Diane that is a great discovery! So how many in your family – 3 of you? And especially since he lives so close to you! 🙂

  4. Awesome! My sister in law was an only child. After her father died her mother told her she was in fact the child of another man and had five half siblings. She visits with three of them regularly and has her neices and nephews to stay. Like you it has been a wonderful experience. How amazing your new brother even lives within driving distance. A new baby in our circle this year and one to come in April. New people in our lives, however they turn up, is cause for celebration.

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