A camera is a save button for the mind’s eye. — Roger Kingston said that.

Something I’ve always regretted is not keeping the cameras in my life, particularly the old Brownie cameras — we even had one of those old Brownie box cameras. I’ve been wanting to get back to film photography so have had my eye out for a vintage film camera or two that is within my budget.

Well I hit the jackpot a few days ago. I got a vintage Minolta complete with three lenses, off-camera flash, multiple filters, leather camera case, leather camera satchel, PLUS an old Brownie in it’s original box! Free! A lady had posted an advertisement saying she had two vintage cameras to give away and I happened to be the first to respond.

The Minolta seems to need some cleaning but it was free! I can hardly wait to get a battery (for the light meter) and some film loaded and take it for a spin.

Speaking of getting some film, I’ve had a dickens of a time finding film — at least locally. Living in a village, not only do we not have a camera store, but no one carries film of course. So I’ve driven to the nearest city (an hour away) and couldn’t believe how difficult this is going to be. I found one place that had three rolls but they were of a very high iso so won’t be anything I can use.

My first rule of thumb is to buy everything locally and when that’s not possible, I head to the nearest city. So now it looks like I’ll have to either do the three-hour drive to the next largest city or else order online for film.

“If I were to save one possession in a fire, it would have to be my dad’s camera, an old, broken Nikon. I always keep it with me — his personal things mean a lot.” — Gia Coppola

All in all, it’s been an exciting week for me. So share with me, what was the last positive surprise you’ve experienced?

5 thoughts on “Surprise gift”

  1. that’s exciting. do they all work? as a child i had a Brownie and have no idea what became of it, but there were pics on film i had taken at Niagra Falls when i last had it in my possesion.

  2. What a steal you happened to come across! I hope that you are successful in your pursuit of finding the right film for you. I jumped right from the Kodak Ektralite to a point and shoot, and to a series of DSLR’s, so I never owned a “real” film camera. Every day I am sure there are many, but I can’t name any positive surprises right now.

  3. My son’s grade 9 first term report card. He is 2e (twice exceptional) so school results have varied wildly over the years. This report card consistently demonstrated his potential and I just wanted to weep from happiness and relief.

  4. Well, I shouldn’t be surprised but it was very nice when the young cashier went out of the store to get a cart for me as she thought my purchases were too heavy to carry to the car. What a sweetheart. My husband handles the cameras donated to our charity shop. There are some real beauties. He consigns some to Beau Photo in Vancouver and tells me they sell film. Hopefully you will find something closer but Beau could be a plan B.

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