“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.”

Dalai Lama
two mornings in the ‘hood

I had forgotten: that soft morning feeling; the smell of the air; the lick of the sea over dormant rocks; the silence broken only by bird song; how the mind is allowed to welcome a myriad of ideas; being so invigorated upon arriving back home.

I happened upon a blog a week or so ago in which I read an inspiring post about mornings. I wish I could remember which blog that was so I could give him/her credit for the inspiration. It made me realize I got out of the habit of my morning walks and what I was missing. Sure, I go for a walk every day but not usually until midday or in the afternoon. Everything is different once the day has worked its way to that point.

Mornings have an entirely different feel to them. They’re quieter and softer. There is an easy way about mornings that sets the tone for the rest of the day. You know the song lyrics that go, “just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down?” That’s what I think of when I head out for a morning walk or bike ride except it goes something like this, “a morning walk sets the trajectory of your day.”

a good morning for fishing
nice spot to sit a spell

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”

Meister Eckhart

2 thoughts on “good morning”

  1. i used to wake up so happy it annoyed my family. somewhere along the line i became a night owl.

    i feel like you’ve taken me on one of your morning walks

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