So where is Sweet Pea you ask? Well, that’s one of Heidi’s most commonly used (by us) nicknames. I don’t think she knows the difference — she comes to either name.

It never fails, with every single pet I’ve ever shared my home with, each has always had no less than one nickname. Our Springer Spaniel Maggie likely had the most nicknames. She knew, and responded, to every one: Maggie Mae; Muggins; Mugs; Magoo; Stinky Winky; Monkey; and I’m sure I’m missing one or two.

Although I’ve had a post partially written for a couple weeks, I haven’t taken time to get back and properly finish it. In the meantime, I thought I’d post a photos-only post showing some recent photos I took of our little Sweet Pea.

For those who don’t know, we’re moving — again. More on that too in a future post — moving day is less than a month away.

Barbara Kingsolver wrote, “A dog can’t think that much about what he’s doing, he just does what feels right.” and then there’s this truism written by Agnes Sligh Turnbull, “Dogs lives are too short. Their only fault, really.”


4 thoughts on “Sweet Pea”

  1. It only seems like yesterday that you were moving the last time – Hope Heidi (and you) enjoys her new home. Will miss seeing you on Flickr (although I’ve not had a lot of time to check in there myself the last year or so). Have bookmarked your page to check in from time to time. All the best, Susan

  2. Lovely pictures of a beautiful girl. The quote by Agnes Sligh Turnbull grabbed my heart. My two little monkeys have just joined me on the sofa after supervising my efforts in the garden. Good luck with the move. You are the second person today to tell me they are moving.

  3. What a beautiful and attentive girl she is! I love seeing her focus.

    May you have an easy move and a safe ‘landing’!

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