Shifts come in many forms. When tectonic plates within the earth shift, an earthquake occurs, for instance. When the gears on our car shift, we advance to a smoother running gear appropriate for the speed. A mental shift can occur when we change the way we look at things.

So why this talk about shifts?

At my last piano lesson a shift I was not expecting, nor wanting, came to be. My amazing piano teacher advised me that he unfortunately would have to bring the lessons to a close. You see, this handful of wonderful years he has driven at least an hour-and-a-half to come to this part of the island to provide lessons to adults in my area. Over the years, some have died, some have moved into care homes, a couple have moved away. I had not realized that for months, there have only been two of us he has been driving all this way to give Wednesday lessons. Of the two of us the other lady, I have now learned, is no longer able to keep up with the lessons and had given her notice to Keith.

“It’s almost like you’re not tethered to the earth anymore. You’re just flying, nothing but space around you.” — Riley Hart

It has pained him to have to share the news that it is no longer feasible for him to drive all this way for one student. Though I completely understand, and even feel guilty that there were only two of us for the past several months, I have been devastated. Receiving the news, initially it was as though an earthquake were occurring within me. It was difficult to keep back the tears and my breath was held hostage in my lungs.

“The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water molds itself to the pitcher.” — Proverb

He implored me to go out and look for a piano teacher. One who teaches adults, one who understands and accepts my goals (which do not include learning the Royal Conservatory method taught by nearly all piano teachers). He made me promise I would go out and seek a new teacher. He will come once a month in July and August to ease me through the transition.

Although the ground beneath me feels its shifting and it would be so easy to get sucked down into the way it was, I realize I need to take an uncomfortable and risky giant step, and see what happens.

For some, you may wonder why on earth this is so ground shattering for me. As I’ve explained in the past, learning to play piano has been a lifelong dream — my personal bucket list — and I was fortunate the perfect piano teacher came into my life at the best possible time. He’s taken me from not knowing how to read a single musical note to actually playing a variety of beautiful tunes. He’s given me the tools to learn, in a gratifying way, and with so much patience, yet he always has pushed me to grow and realize what I’m capable of doing with those black and white keys. He’s been an important part of my life these past years.

So now, as we all do when an unexpected — and unwanted — shift moves the earth beneath us, I’m reaching and taking the first tentative steps towards whatever comes next. It’s been a few days since the news. The panic has disappeared. I’m now open to what will come and, perhaps, the door that opens next will take me to a level I had not yet entertained. Perhaps the changes shall surprise me in ways I’ve not yet dreamed.

Tell me, has an unexpected shift in your life taken you somewhere surprising, wonderful, or beyond your own dreams?

Loving Downsizing

4 thoughts on “when there’s a shift”

  1. Diane, this is such a timely post for me.
    Although not piano lessons, I recently learned that I will probably be losing my personal trainer. I have been with him for almost 2 years, and oh yes, it was a huge and unwelcome shift. I truly felt like I was hanging from a cliff. Also, I felt really silly for feeling this way. Than you SO much for this post. I hardly feel silly anymore.

  2. to answer your question, no, i haven’t had any unexpected shifts in my life recently, but then again, i’m always braced for a shift, so perhaps no shift would be unexpected

    as for your piano teacher, i fully comprehend your panic, but you shouldn’t feel so dependent on your teacher. truth be told, your desire of heart to play the piano is sent from your heart to your brain to your hands and you will continue to play and improve regardless of who your piano teacher is; even if it’s yourself

    of course you’ll continue on Diane, because your talent is within you. it’s as much a part of you as breathing.

    i know, because i play as well and i know how it’s part of my being

    Jackson Browne said, “I taught myself to play the piano, because I wanted to play it”

    (i did the same thing)

  3. Inevitably it seems that things happen for a reason…..and while it’s hard to see now, this may end up being an opportunity. We moved a lot in my early years of marriage, and more often than not…..I was devastated that I was always forced to leave when my life seemed so right. Every move made me grow….and try new things (albeit reluctantly at first!!!!) and ended up being right. Hoping you have the same positive transition in your musical life.

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