the three Mouse-kateers

Maggie – master of the fields
mouse hunters
he’s in there
quiet, loyal, fun loving
Pearl, always a beauty
winter hunting
Austin – handsome, sensitive, and so loyal
always up for a swim
Pearl, her favourite way to cool off
Austin, always interested
Australian Shepherd pals
the protectress, always on guard
into the light

I still miss them. I miss them very much. Yes, Heidi is very much a part of our home and our days, and she’s a very good girl — and loved by us. Even with Heidi here and in our hearts and home, I miss these guys so much. The hardest part of losing a dog you love is more than having to say goodbye; it’s the way your entire world changes without them and the emptiness that’s left in your heart when they go.


5 thoughts on “the hardest part”

  1. my ‘boy’ is now over 14….good days and not quite so good days. i’m not sure the void will ever be filled when he leaves. trying real hard to stock up on lots of memories and good times.

  2. So good to see your beauties again, Diane. I am so grateful for the pictures you took of my dogs Shy and Darien several years ago. Even though they have been gone for 5 years now they are still with me every day. I can’t thank you enough. Be well.

  3. the quotable words were very touching

    as i scrolled through the photos of your dogs, i just kept thinking how pretty, ooo, how pretty. then when i saw the title of the last image, i knew. so sad.

  4. “it’s the way your entire world changes without them”
    This was the part that I found so hard to bear. I lost 4 dogs in just a little over a year a few years ago. Each came to me as a puppy and had wonderful lives. But eventually they get old or sick and you know that you will lose them, and as hard as it is to accept, you do so. BUT…all of them were such a part of every minute of my daily routine, that as we lost one, and then another, and…
    It was so, so difficult. More so than I ever imagined.

    Now we have Ziggy, and more recently Evie, and we have a new routine, lots of fun, and lots of love, but I still miss my 4 babies pretty much on a daily basis. They become such a part of our everyday life and hold such a large space in our hearts.


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