Look who I found inside my Hawes watering can? Ye olde Tree Frog, that’s who!

tree frog inside Hawes watering can
tree frog inside Hawes watering can

The crazy thing is, he (she) simply remained there while I emptied the entire contents on my tomatoes and a few other pots. I noticed this little guy when I went to refill it with water. That’s when I let out a little “eek” despite knowing how harmless the little creature was.

If you’re curious about the photo challenge visit The Weekly Photo Challenge at WordPress.

FYI: Do you know what happens to frogs during winter in the cold areas of the country? National Geographic has an excellent article “Frogs Freeze and Thaw”.

10 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside”

  1. What a sweetie! Had to come and see yours after seeing Michele’s frog on Flickr and your comment there. 🙂

  2. It seems so totally un-phased considering you have been using the watering can. Maybe it’s meditating? And I really like the contrasting colours of the frog’s skin to the plastic of the can.

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