"Camouflage" -- Copyright © Diane Schuller
"Camouflage" -- Copyright © Diane Schuller

I’m having a more difficult time hitting pay dirt than this determined woodpecker! I’ve strugged with my Internet connection trying to create a post yet keep getting kicked back every time I try. Where I live, high speed Internet is not available. After a few years of frustration on dial-up I learned about these great little “air cards” that work on cell phone technology. So, in essence, as long as a person is able to get cell phone coverage, plugging this little air card into my computer allows me to access the ‘net through the cell phone lines. It’s been similar to high speed but in recent weeks I’m having no end of problems. I don’t know if it’s the extreme cold weather causing interference or if there is too much ‘traffic’ in my area. Anyway, enough of these silly technicalities. I hope everyone had a tremendous weekend whether it was full of fun and relaxation or busy with friends and family.

For those of you who don’t live north of 49, I thought I’d share this little ditty with you from north of 55. As you know we had had quite a cold snap for a while until a bit of recent moderation. The cold snap returned like a savage beast this weekend. Friday the weather here hovered in the 26 to 28 degree below zero range, then on Saturday morning it was 41 below zero and that’s before any windchill. I think it was a few degrees warmer in the city an hour south of us, but it was pipe-freezing cold this weekend. Fortunately the weather is relaxing today so the mercury, although at minus 30 right now, is rumoured to climb all the way up to minus 11 today. Won’t that by nice?

Today my post is far too chatty and really doesn’t have a lot of (any) substance. I have to finish up my environment column and get it to my editor so I’ll leave you with a great pair of quotes to get you thinking about the environment.

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.  ~Native American Proverb

Take nothing but pictures.

Leave nothing but footprints.

Kill nothing but time.

~Motto of the Baltimore Grotto, a caving society