So, have you ever seen a murmuration before? If not, or if you’re simply wondering what a murmuration is, check out this video:

I realize it’s been ages since I last post. I want to thank all my friends, family and acquaintances for your kind thoughts after I shared about the recent death of our dear Austin, so soon after Pearl’s death as well (but to us they were family members too). It’s still difficult to even bring up the topic or talk about them so I’m going to move on here as well. French Creek, BC

Plum Kuchen ©Diane Schuller

Men's socks

The photos are a silent way of sharing what I’ve been doing lately.

Click for the recipe for the Plum Kuchen — I’ve made it 3 times and it’s fantastic! I also made it once substituting fresh peaches. If you’re a fan of the much lower levels of sugar used in genuine German Kuchen, then you’re sure to like this recipe. But if you prefer your desserts much sweeter then check out a few of my other favourites on Pinterest.

And my third pair of socks have been done for a while and I’m quite pleased with how they turned out. For the knitters, check out my project page at Ravelry for details.

Since this is such a voiceless post, I thought I’d leave you with a few of my favourite quotes of late:

“I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds…” — Salvador Plascencia

“In the sweetness of friendship; let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.” –Kahlil Gibran

There are no happy endings.
Endings are the saddest part,
So just give me a happy middle
And a very happy start.
” — Shel Silverstein

“Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever.” –Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

“But it is not bravery; I have no choice. I wake up and live my life. Don’t you do the same?” —Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

8 thoughts on “Murmuration”

  1. Oh I love that video. We would get big flocks of starlings (well not big like the video, just normal big) just across the road from our old house and I’d get nothing done for the days they were there. They are so mesmerizing, fascinating, soothing…

  2. Lovely images, Diane. That Kuchen sure looks delicious, I may try to make it this weekend and those socks came out beautifully..those can’t be easy to make! Someone’s lucky feet are going to be nice and warm and cozy. 🙂 Thank you for sharing these wonderful pleasures, my friend. xo

  3. We used to see Murmurations frequently when we were children but not much nowadays. I did see a very small one recently but nothing like they used to be, Starlings are not as numerous as they used to be.

    Your socks are lovely and that recipe is very timely since I have greengages to use up – thank you.

  4. Hi love!

    I could watch that video a million times and believe I have. The combination of the scene and music brings me so much peace.
    Beautiful happenings. It is okay to be quiet sometimes. We all need to turn the volume off once in a while. And look at all the amazing this you have to share. You know I love those socks! 🙂

  5. Lovely! All of it, especially those cosy socks.
    It’s been crazy-busy here and still is, but we can see some results.And I think my blogging mojo may be coming back.

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