The lady of the house has been hit hard with the flu for the past week. Hence, why I’ve been visibly absent for much longer than usual. Before I jump in I absolutely must share something with those of you who love a great novel. Remember in my last post (that seems so darn long ago) I tried to list a mere handful of my favourite books from those I read in 2012? Then I ended the post by sharing the title of the novel that was next on my to-be-read list: Before I Go to Sleep by S.J. Watson. Okay wowzers ladies and gentlemen — that was one page-turning novel. Good thing I was sick because that’s all I wanted to do was keep turning the pages and find out more. I highly recommend it!


So much has been in-the-works since I took the time to write that last post I’m not sure where to begin, what to leave out, or even if I should let things unfold as slowly as a newborn fawn caught in tall grass.

I’ve embarked upon a few new challenges lately. Back in mid December I began going to the gym and I have some mighty goals. Weight loss is going to be a welcome side effect but it’s not my primary reason for taking this on. I realized that my old self not only is very overweight but I’m not as healthy as I should be (she says as she’s just beginning to recover from a bad flu). Frankly, I’ve noticed how I’ve lost so much strength, particularly in my upper body and I’m becoming quite unstable in terms of balance. So I’m working with a trainer and she’s snapping me into shape by building up muscle tone, building up stamina, increasing my balance, and pushing me towards my goals. I’ve committed to another 4 months for this program though I realize I will have to continue on some form of maintenance once I’m where I need to be. Believe me, when you’re as old as I am, doing all these strenuous cardio and weight exercises is not what I would have thought I’d be doing in retirement! As part of this regime, I get to take a boxercise class which I found I actually enjoy doing — watch out!

Some of you are likely quite familiar with the trend in recent years for people, particularly women, to embrace a single word as their theme for the year. Well, I too have taken on a ‘word’ to live by for 2013:  r e a c h. I’m definitely reaching out of my comfort zone, reaching for some measurable goals, and reaching for more new experiences in my life.


There’s more but I’ll share these in future posts. By the way, if updates seem to be few and far between here, you’ll likely find that I do drop a few photos off at Flickr on a fairly regular basis. It’s so quick and easy to simply pop a photo in there and write a few words.

So now you. What are you working towards — what are you reaching for?

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?” 
? Mary Oliver  


5 thoughts on “Reaching”

  1. That book does look good, I just read the blurb on Amazon. I need a good book, I have a bunch on my Kindle but none are enthralling me. Very ambitious course you have set for yourself, good luck!

  2. Oh Diane I’m so sorry you had to suffer through that horrible flu. Happy though that you are recovering and starting to make some healthy life changes! I have found retirement to be a perfect time to “reach” as it is so much easier now to fit exercise into my day. Good for you…you go girl!!!

  3. I am SO glad you are feeling better. As you know I was downed with the flu too and it was a bad one! I think you’ve chosen a fabulous and inspirational word that really has a lot of great applications. My word is “discover” and it’s all about making new discoveries — in photography, travel and life! It’s been working wonderfully so far! But you are extraordinarily smart to embark on this strengthening routine. I know you won’t regret it. We are able to do so much more — and for longer — with a strong, healthy body. Great inspiration, you are!

  4. Fantastic goal and ‘reach’ is a great word. I think a fitness regime in retirement is a great way to spend part of it. I saw this photo of a 76 year old female body builder recently. Lean and tight-skinned I would’ve liked to have had her body at 30! But at that age she has to work out many hours a day to maintain it. A little physical maintenance sounds like a much better retirement goal to me. 🙂 Get well soon and “you go girl”!

  5. I so relate to your reaching, as I sit in my cold kitchen, way to early in the morning. Isn’t it a wonder to have a trainer work with our underused maturing bodies. I can appreciate your next four months. Thanks for the book referral, I will look it up and I love Mary Oliver, as well.

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