Here is part of my Christmas wish list:

I wish …

  • Every family would invite a lonely neighbour or senior for Christmas dinner (and be ever so gracious and interested in them);
  • All of us will reach out to someone who is lonely, grief-ridden, or troubled in any way;
  • We would all realize and recognize the heroes in our lives (hint: heroes are NOT movie stars or singers);
  • That more of us would give of our time, for others, no matter how small or how big;
  • That parents would hug their children more and listen to them more;
  • Those who are suffering (regardless of the kind of suffering) are recognized and accepted by those who care;
  • People would say what they mean and mean what they say;
  • That people would realize that presents are just stuff but gifts are memorable and meaningful (and never fall into the category of stuff);
  • We would all make an effort to recognize those who are different and to ask about and understand why they are the way they are — know and understand their story;
  • Realize everyone has a ‘story’ — why not look for it and accept it;
  • Speak out when we see someone or something is suffering; whether it’s a person or animal. We can and SHOULD be their voice;
  • Show and tell family members just how much we care for them (mothers, fathers, siblings, and more);
  • We would all reflect upon who is really important in our lives and show them how much we care (not buy stuff for them);
  • That one person who reads this will act on one thing of importance.

“All we are saying is give peace a chance.” ~John Lennon

“Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up.” ~Jesse Jackson

So who is your hero? Who is the stranger or neighbour you’re inviting to dinner? Who are you making an effort to understand and to accept. What are you doing to be kind and peaceful this holiday season?

8 thoughts on “An Important Wish List”

  1. A wonderful list to keep in a visible spot so that it can remind you daily! Hope to continuously practice this list in 2012,it makes for a great New Year’s resolution. Thanks for the reminder at these wonderful free gifts we can give! Reach

  2. This list is simply filled with the heart of caring I have come to love about you, Diane. Such lists are worth coming back to time and time again as a reminder of what we are here for.

  3. Great list. I head to the coast to stay with an 80 year old widow friend who took a tumble last weekend. Also will spend time with Mither of course.

  4. Wonderful list, Diane. We need to remember these things all year long, not just at Christmas time.

    A friend of mine and her dad are joining us for Christmas dinner this year. My friend’s mom died in February, and I suggested to her that her family do something different for Christmas this year so that the impact of her mom not being there isn’t quite so bad. I told her that her family was welcome to come over to our place for Christmas dinner. Her family decided to do their family thing on the 24th, and her and her dad took me up on the offer to come to our place on the 25th.

  5. This is a fantastic wish list. I will use it as a reminder of what I really wish for this holiday season! Thank you for the reminder.

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