“Life is maybe like deep-sea fishing. We wake up in the morning, we cast our nets into the water, and, if we are lucky, at day’s end we will have netted one– maybe two– small fish. Occasionally we will net a seahorse or sometimes a shark– or a life preserver or an iceberg, or a monster. And in our dreams at night we assess our Catch of the Day– the treasures of this long, slow process of accumulation” –Douglas Coupland

Sure, I’ve become delinquent in posting regularly. Sure, I’m barely online even to visit and read. Sure, I could do better. Today I have been inspired by Susan at Licht Years and Shawna Lemay’s Transactions with Beauty.

So, do you feel I post my life as it is? I do, or at least I’ve always thought I do. Although I post truths about my life and my surroundings, I consciously omit the ‘bad stuff’ or the negative things that I may encounter or stumble over. To rectify that, in some small way, today’s images include the beauty and the reality.

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” (From The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown) and “But above all, in order to be, never try to seem.” — Albert Camus.  (I thought these quotes that I read over at Shawna’s blog hit the nail on the head.)

I’ll be honest in saying that one of the reasons I don’t post about the bad days is because when I’ve read other blogs or especially status updates on Facebook that deal with the ‘bad days’ of others, it annoys me no end. Not because they are having a bad day or experience but because it seems that’s all they focus on. Now, if someone normally focuses on the bright side of life and then inserts a sad or unfortunate occurrence they are dealing with, I’m 100% on board and fully empathize. It’s because of the negative Nellies & Normans that I have avoided mentioning the stuff in my life that may not be particularly sunny. I’m going to try to insert at least a mention of some of those things from now on, simply to balance the reality of my life though I promise to never allow the bad stuff to overshadow the beauty in this life.

That’s all for now. Have I told you all how very much I appreciate you showing up here and how much you make my day when you take the time to leave me a note? I am genuinely grateful for each of you and for what you may also share with me.


6 thoughts on “Authenticity, a choice”

  1. that’s what i love about the expressive photography that you do….pictures really can say thousands of words; express unsaid thoughts. it’s what i’m striving for in my struggling attempt to get better in that medium.

    i love your space. you’re doing it just right.

  2. Diane, I am not sure exactly why, but in reading this post, I feel that maybe you feel bad or inadequate in what you have been choosing to post (?) I guess what I just wanted to say to you, is that I rarely if ever miss a post of yours. If I do, it is simply because I am too busy to be online at the time. I truly enjoy everything you post here, whenever you post.

    I think what I’m trying to say, and I’ve been feeling this for quite some time now, is that no matter where one is on social media, there are always trends (mindfulness)/buzz words (authenticity)/techniques (flat lays) that come, stay for a length of time and then fade to be nearly forever forgotten. “Authenticity,” is one that’s been hanging around for a while now. As you look around, everyone has their own “take” on it, so much so, that I have to wonder if its true meaning has been completely diluted(?). I think that “authenticity” has simply given some “permission” to air all their issues, and in doing so, fulfill a need for self-importance. In so many ways, I believe it is this self-importance that is one of the things seriously crippling our society.

    In short (well, I tried to be brief!!!), be who you are my friend, and do what you are comfortable with. From the very first time I visited you here, it’s always been a pleasure, and I just know it will continue to be.


  3. That wasn’t very negative 🙂 On my blog, I try to be basically positive and upbeat. On Facebook, I talk about politics and things that many people probably don’t want to hear including some negative things. I guess I’m more “real” on Facebook, maybe, not sure. It’s just got a different feel to me, a different format. My blog is sort of a visual dairy, I do go back and read it now and then but I don’t normally go back and read my own Facebook posts.

  4. It is such an interesting question, whether to reveal the hard and negative aspects of life. I’d rather, if I am going to write, look beyond the difficulties and see the miracles and feel grateful.

  5. I think it was in Sociology I learned about different roles we assume depending on the situation ie mother, friend, co-worker. Is any one less real? How often do we see the sum of the whole or show it?

  6. Is that your dish-washing? I find it highly contemplative and try to leave it until I have enough time to really reflect upon my day.

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