“The present moment is the substance with which the future is made. Therefore, the best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment. What else can you do?”  -Thich Nhat Hanh

I took oodles of photos this spring during the herring spawn seen from the beach below our place. I thought you might like to see some of the photos I took of the voracious and opportunistic seagulls — literally thousands of them descended upon the area during the peak of the spawn.
flock of seagulls www.dianeschuller.com

seagulls by www.dianeschuller.com

Sun-warmed, it was a perfect day to photograph, observe, and take in the feeling down at the beach. The gentle whoosh-whoosh of the sea against the shore was muted by the squeal of the frenzied gulls overhead. Many, either tired or with full bellies, stood on the beach and waited. Taking in a deep breath, the salt air was infused with a fishy hint of the presence of the herring and their spawn. The kind of day you don’t want to walk away; you simply want to remain and be in it.

There is only now. And look! How rich we are in it. ~ Vanna Bonta, Shades of the World

Have yourselves a lovely weekend!

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8 thoughts on “There is only now”

  1. I have always wanted to live by the sea. The waves breaking upon the shore in a never ending cadence speak of timelessness and in turn hope. These photos of the seagulls are stunning in the way they capture the life of the sea.

  2. What an amazing cast of characters you captured here! I love how well you got some in mid-flight. What a day you had!

  3. Again I find these photos quite fascinating – in my head I added the sound and it was almost deafening… Was it? Stunning photos of the seagulls.

  4. Those are great photos. Seagulls are so fun to watch with their funny antics. I’ve got birds on my blog right now, too. Lately, birds are my favorite thing to photograph.

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