I was busy making Blueberry Marmalade. Yes, I know, I’m still making jams and such. I want to have plenty on hand so that I have a nice variety to offer guests when I have them over for coffee. I also plan to gift some to my friends at Christmas. I felt I have inundated you dear readers with so many photos of jams and marmalades that I’d show you what it looked like in my yard after doing all that marmalading.  So when I came outside, the late day light was beckoning me to come and see things in my backyard that I’d been missing earlier in the day. First I took this one …

I love how the keys of the maple are like a ball or chandelier hanging from the tree, showing off in the late day light. I wandered around the yard a bit more, checking angles and opportunities as I got down low in much the same way as the crack of light that flashes over the fence before disappearing in the great beyond. Then I waited and finally took this one during the golden hour.

“There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.”

? Leonard Cohen, Selected Poems, 1956-1968

All photographs on this site are the exclusive Copyright © Diane M. Schuller. All Rights Reserved. Permission directly from Diane is required should you wish to copy or use a photo for any purpose. Thank you for doing the right thing.

9 thoughts on “the light gets in”

  1. Yes, so true Shawna. I’ve always found that the light is more golden and has a softer glow in the autumn. There’s almost a romanticism about it.

  2. I only made one batch of strawberry jam this year … for scones when I serve them. I rarely eat jam otherwise.

    I have been too much inside with the heat this last week or so but at the same time, have managed to get outside things done too. The heat is taxing though.

    Some clouds moving in this evening … possibility of showers, thunder showers tomorrow … 70% which is a probability … IF the forecast is accurate.

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