Those of you who stop by here are aware I’m taking a blog and photography break. I continue to write my weekly environment column because it’s such an easy process. I’ve been dealing with health issues and today, of all days, I have no idea what brings me to the computer. I’m dealing with a great deal of pain but the idea of ‘soft writings’ came to me and I really wanted to share something with those of you who are kind enough to stop by.

Although I haven’t picked up my fiction pen in a long time, I’ve really had an itch to write again. Part of me wants to begin writing about my mother and part of me wants to re-acquaint my pen (or computer keyboard) with the imaginary world of fiction.

Yesterday I learned about an acquaintance who has a new book out and I love the whole concept of what her book is about — not to mention that it strikes such a chord with me at this time. Shawna Lamay’s lovely book of essays, Calm Things may appeal to you as well. From what I know of her book, I believe that is what I’d refer to as ‘soft writings’ and I’m looking forward to ordering a copy.

Since I haven’t been working so vigorously with my photography in recent months, the side effect has been an awakening of some of my other creative loves, such as writing. Today’s post is purely random thoughts with no real purpose other than to reach out and share. The pain is getting too strong now that my thoughts have spilled onto the screen so I’ll leave  you with your own thoughts on what you find takes you back to your own creative self or your own inner desires. Also, if you’ve read Shawna’s book, please do share your thoughts.

“The only means of strengthening one’s intellect is to make up one’s mind about nothing, to let the mind be a thoroughfare for all thoughts.” —John Keats

3 thoughts on “Soft Writings”

  1. Hi Diane,

    I had posted notice of Shawna’s book on FB as required reading. Since then I’ve sent a copy to a friend in Connecticut. It is a beautiful thoughtful book that I keep by my bedside and dip into. I asked someone a long time ago why it is that creative people seem to be subjected to more pain than the average. The reply was so we can experience it and then write about it. I was going through some difficulties myself at that time and remember saying, “That’s enough now.” When I thought about it, I had to agree. My non fiction is always about overcoming pain but I recently realized that my fiction characters are always about people in pain. Now I understand why. I like your friend McKey’s (Susan?)comment. I think it is a lifesaver to have outlets. Your beautiful photography, your writing. Take care of yourself. Thinking of you always.

  2. Creativity will find a method to express itself. When one avenue is blocked, a detour will be found. It must!! It cannot be contained in artistic people. Like breathing itself….it just must happen! Detours can be an adventure of new discoveries. Enjoy the diversion and I hope you feel well soon.

  3. Hi Diane, I hope you are feeling better soon. Love that your creativity is finding new manifestations. Who knows what will come of it? 🙂
    I have been home for almost a month now recovering from surgery and I am also finding my creativity stirring. Quietude is required for the soul once in a while, I think. Take good care!!

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