“Dawn is a friend of the muses.” ~John Milton

“I’ll tell you how the sun rose — A ribbon at a time.” ~ Emily Dickinson

Having lived through cancer and having lost a dear parent to cancer far before her time, I’m reminded that each minute of our lives is so precious. Like a sunrise, life moves on and changes moment-by-moment. Occasionally when I am still I find I ask myself these questions, “Would I be happy with what I had accomplished if I were to die right now? Have I done my best and sought the vision I believe so deeply in? Have I asked for forgiveness from those I treated unfair? What part of my life feels incomplete? Would I have some regrets?” I know I’m not alone in this introspection — perhaps you too have asked yourself similar questions.

What’s more important than asking the questions, are the answers and how we act upon them. Today I will begin by being still before dawning a new horizon and seeking to take action where I have work yet to be done. I can feel it — this dawn greets a beautiful day. Yes, I can see such beautiful light along the horizon!

{“October sunrise” Photo taken in front of our home NW of Hythe, Alberta – Canada}